Above Image Shows: View of Power Notes windows on a desktop
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is a Free windows program
Power Notes allows you to add small note windows on your desktop. The note windows are useful for: reminders, to-do lists, notes on a topic, work notes, study notes on a subject, recipes, etc. You will find a vast number of ways to use these note windows!
You can have up to 40 note windows showing on your desktop at once. The group of note windows that shows up on your desktop is referred to as a Note Set. You store this group of note windows (Note Set) as a file on your computer. You can create an unlimited number of Note Set files. Thus you can have a Note Set for each idea/use that you come up with. It is easy to change which Note Set that is showing on your desktop (i.e. just load a different Note Set file). You can share a Note Set with other users.
Each note window can be customized: text, font, images, color scheme, window size, & window position. Changing a note's content is very easy. Just click in a note window and type in your changes. There is a popup menu for altering fonts and loading images. You access this menu by right-clicking in the window. To change a window's size you just left-click on the triangle in the lower right corner of a window and drag. To change a window's position just left-click on a note window title and drag. Power Notes will showup on your taskbar. You can hide it or make it visible anytime (your entire Note Set).
When you save a Note Set, all your changes are stored in a file that you select. It remembers everything about your Note Set (note contents, size & position of each window, and even the order of note windows that may be overlapping). Power Notes provides a folder (Power Notes) in your Documents folder for saving your Note Sets. Also within that folder are other folders which are useful (Favorites, Examples, & Icons).
Power Notes also provides a special window called Control Panel. You will normally keep this window hidden, thus showing only your Note Set on the desktop. The Control Panel provides special tools to be used for handling your Note Sets as well as controlling features of Power Notes. It can be shown/hidden any time by double-clicking on a note window's title.
In the Control Panel you can select Helpful Notes which appear as a note windows with instructions on various basic usage of Power Notes. These are a short abbreviated form of help windows. But Power Notes also includes extensive help in a dedicated window which can be accessed from any note window by left-clicking on the logo found in the bottom left corner of a note window.
The program is a small windows-based program that works on Window7 and up. It is easy to install and use. I hope that you enjoy the program and find many uses for it! Share it with your family, friends and co-workers.
It is my gift to you!
Steve Clark
is given freely to all.
It is illegal to sell copies.
Please report any violations.
If you have any questions or problems, please contact me.
program’s author: Steve Clark Contact: admin@clark-tx.net
Copyright © 2014 Steve Clark
System Requirements
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Release History
Ver Beta